Friday, December 6, 2013

Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

Mesh Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

A Good Year is predicted for you with the pace of improvements picking up in the second half of the year. A year of profit and good health is predicted for you except for some minor skin aliments. Eligible Aries individuals will get married this year. Family life will be good for most part of the year. Minor domestic problems and tensions will occur after July. Your private life will be on the front burner and may cause a lot of trouble. Though this is a year of gains but expenses will continue the same pattern as 2014 till September. This year predicts that financially the year may not go smoothly. A good year for academic achievements.

Vrishabh Rashi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

You have to take care of your health at all times. However on professional and business fronts you will forge ahead and pending litigation will get solved. Turning points both at work and in love are quite possible therefore you should manifest resistance, persistence and tolerance. An explosion of emotions is most likely to happen in the second half of the year, and neither Taurus, nor his partner will be ready to compromise. Expenditure needs to be controlled. Gains from legacy, shares, lottery and games of chance indicated if strong combinations present in your natal chart. The year is quite successful financially.

Mithuna Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

A year of mental tension and increased problems is predicted for you. Health problems will occur for most part of the year due to irregular sleeping and eating habits. Medical expenditure is indicated. Finance and Business will improve by leaps and bounds in the second half of the year. Eligible Gemini natives will get married this year. This year may be a turning point in life, personal growth, perfection and development. Risky investments should be avoided at all costs. The initial six months are tough but come July and you will shine. This year foresees an unstable financial situation. You’ll be suffering from large expenses the whole year. If you continue to neglect your studies like last year then expect bad news.

Kark Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

This year indicates major changes in the work sphere and you may change your business or profession. You will be mentally tense throughout the year. Eligible Cancer natives will get married this year. The whole year you’ll be dealing with family and professional problems at the same time. And being flexible you’ll succeed in combining both activities. Many Cancers will start to build their own home or will make it more spacious and comfortable. . Large financial losses and conflicts connected with money or other assets may occur. An appearance of restrictive Saturn since August, in financial sector of the sky will require prudence and caution.

Simha - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

A good Year is predicted for you. This year will be characterized by increased responsibilities and spending money on acquisition of assets and luxury goods. Eligible Leo natives will tie the knot in the first half of the year. Happy occasions will be celebrated in the family that will bring much joy. Avoid confrontations from March to July. Health will be excellent for most part of the year barring second half of March, April and May. This year promises interesting contacts, flirtation and a pleasant society for single people, and those looking for romantic adventures. Increase in earning sources clearly predicted July onwards. Time will be spent on enjoyment activities than studies. Remain focused to get good results.

Kanya - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014
A good year with the real results manifesting from July onwards. The second half of the year can actually change your life in every positive manner if you put your mind and resources to it. Unmarried eligible Virgo natives will get married this Year and business profits will be good. This underlines the necessity to make decisions and to take responsibility not only for your own words and actions, but also for that of your close acquaintances. In 2014 the energy level of Virgo is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur. Feb, May and June will bring problems in business and profession. There will be a general increase of income. In February, June and October you can expect to get some decent money.

Tula Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

A much better year than the last year gone by is predicted for you in all respects. You will get mental peace and solutions to your problems. Health problems surface off and on and medical expenses will be there. If you plan and move then by the year end you will be happy and contended. You have trumps in your hands, and it is important to play them in a right way. With Jupiter, a planet of success aspecting your sign for most of this year, you mustn’t be afraid to leap into action and to stand up for your rights. Money problems get solved July onwards and developments in career clearly predicted. Despite obvious professional success, there will be some financial problems. Most of them will happen in the second half of the year, when the financial status will be shifting.

Vrikshik Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

An average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. With new responsibilities will also come mental stress and tension. This will be in a tight situation with limited freedom of actions. Scorpio horoscope 2014 advises to forget about the problems for a while, to think the situation over and study it properly, without taking final decisions and pronouncing sharp judgments. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving specially in May and June. Love relations may not go smoothly. It will be especially dangerous for couples, having problems for more than two or three years. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities July onwards. Chances of promotion are strong July onwards.

Dhanu Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

The first half of the year will be much better. You must exert yourself in the first six months to forge ahead in career and profession. This year pays special attention to career and ambitious expectations. The feelings are also of a great importance. Take care of health in Jan, May, June and July. March onwards things will become better at the family front. Jan, Feb, May, June and October see you making short distance travels. Increase in export related trade. The whole year will be characterized by large expenses connected with business affairs, business development or with growing needs of children or close people.

Makar Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

A good year is predicted for you with the developments in career and business picking up in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year you will face domestic tension so be a little diplomatic and avoid confrontations. Eligible Capricorn natives will find their soul mate in the second half of the year. Health needs to be taken care of especially from February to June. The second half sees you forging ahead on professional fronts. You will start a new business or make innovative changes in the existing set up to reap a rich harvest. Barring May and June the rest of the year is excellent for academic achievement.

Kumbh Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

An above average Year is predicted for you with the last year's problems getting solved. Your concentration and work efficiency levels show a marked improvement April onwards. Eligible Aquarius natives will get married this year. This year is a transitive or preparatory period, paving the way to happy future. Mental stress will be experienced in the months of January and February. Your health is quite delicate in the first half of the year, when acute conditions or unexpected illnesses are possible. The financial status will be improved a little, what will be a natural consequence of new professional opportunities

Meen Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2014

A good Year is predicted for you. Many of the problems that you have been facing from the last year get solved. The second half of the year sees you forging ahead with confidence and zeal. Marked improvements in all spheres of life April onwards. The future year can be described as finishing, final and transitive. Health needs to be taken care of in May, June and January. In the second half of the year you should be more attentive while driving and on trips.All round improvements in career and business. Acquisition of house, land, flat clearly predicted. Successful months from this point of view of finance are February and June. A good year for achieving academic excellence. If you work hard you will get the desired results.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to give Presentation Like Steve Jobs

How to give Presentation Like Steve Jobs

Five tips to give presentations, the Steve Jobs style

Do you get clammy hands and cold feet at the thought of making an office presentation? During such times, remember that you are a confident speaker and presenter since you are doing this every moment of your life.

Steve Jobs was always famous for his style of presentations, at any Apple event. Here are five tips you can focus on to make a Jobs style presentation:

1) Prepare like a billion dollars

Each Apple product was designed to bring in billions in revenue. Steve Jobs knew that his keynote presentations were a vital part of the marketing plan to bring in sales.

He planned and practised to make the presentation worth a billion dollars.

2) Be a storyteller...

...not a presenter. Jobs was a master story teller during his presentations. He would create a problem, obstacles, hero and, finally, a grand solution.

The show would become a Hollywood style entertainer and the audience would walk away enthralled.

3) Capture the individual...

... and hold his attention completely. Jobs' keynote presentations would be short, each segment not lasting more than 10 minutes.

A single message would hold it together. The editing would be sharp, not permitting the individual to lose focus for a moment.

4) Stitch it up

Do not rely on the audience to follow the thread of the story. Jobs would break his presentation into two or three major points.

At each stage, he would pause, remind the audience of the story structure and 'connect the dots' to make it easy for them.

5) Get them high

Jobs would conclude his presentation with 'one more thing', and introduce a new product, software or feature, which would amaze the audience and make them exit on a high.

A person rarely remembers the speaker's words, but always the final emotion.

How to make a presentation

Here are some tips to make presntations:

> Give what audience wants & kill the bullet points

> Stick to paper, pencil & pictures - Simple words, single theme

> Use a mirror to rehearse

> Headlines and visuals - Work on creating a single headline for your entire presentation.

> Pepper it with enthusiasm

Ten Things You Should Not Say at Work Place

Ten Things You Should Not Say at Work Place

You are free to give someone a piece of your mind while at home. However, when it comes to your workplace, better mind your words because even an off-the-cuff remark of yours can not only spoil your relationship with your boss or coworkers, but can also sometimes put you in trouble.

"In today's day and age, undoubtedly we spend most of our time at work. However, it does not mean that we keep our guards down and say whatever comes to mind. In fact, most organisations work on the philosophy that words are the best representatives of a person's personality. Therefore, we should always avoid saying something which can put us in a bad light at our workplace," says Deepak Kaistha, managing partner, Planman Consulting.

Here's a list of things you must avoid saying at work:

1. "This isn't my job!"

Everyone gets approached to do things that are not part of their defined role. If someone asks you to help him out, consider it a testimony to your capabilities.

"Unless you are completely getting off focus, going beyond the etched boundaries of your role will only earn you good merit with your boss and colleagues," says Ashish Arora, founder & MD, HR Anexi.

No need to explain, therefore, why you should always avoid saying things like, "This isn't my job!"

2. "It's not my fault"

Sure, it is not. But saying it this way makes you seem more narrow minded and less of a team player. Call it an 'issue' instead of a 'fault'. Rather than saying you were not responsible for it, point out what you believe caused it.

Then, not only does it become obvious that you were not responsible for it, but it shifts everyone's attention to the root cause of the issue and what needs to be done to resolve it.

"In the fast-paced culture of corporates, there is no space for slackers. If you did something that created a negative impact, have the courage to except your fault instead of putting the blame to someone. Bosses usually like people who take full ownership for a deed done," informs Udit Mittal, founder & MD, Unison International.

3. "I'll try"

You certainly will, but it is better not to say just that when you are accepting the task. If you are unsure of whether you will be successful, say instead, "Thank you. I'll let you know how this goes."

"Saying 'I'll try' can also mentally limit you somewhere from giving the work your best shot. If you say something more positive and specific, it creates a better impression of your efforts with the listener. Then, even if you fail despite your best efforts, the person will appreciate that you actually did try," says Arora.

4. "There's nothing else I can do"

If you are saying this after trying everything for success, it could still sound reasonable. But if you are giving up even before trying, or somewhere mid course, it makes you seem less committed and enthusiastic.

"If, after trying everything, you really do believe that you cannot do anything more, it might be better to say, 'I've tried all of these options, but we're still not making it because of this (reason). Please suggest what else I can do to resolve this issue'," says Arora.

5. "That's impossible"

There's nothing impossible when you have your heart and mind to it.

"Saying that's impossible shows that you are ruling out any way of doing a thing, and if your boss thinks there is a way to do it, there probably is. You just need to change your way of looking at it," says Mittal.

6. "That is so unfair"

Do not play the victim. If you feel something is not fair - and it is not in quite a few cases in the workplace - explain why it is the wrong approach. "Turn your emotions into conviction, not complaint. Reason with people and bring them to see your point of view," says Arora.

Also, if your colleague, for instance, gets a raise and you don't, if he gets recognition and you don't, never say it's not fair or that's unacceptable. "It shows a huge negative impact on your behavior and attitude and makes you look like a person who always cribs," explains Mittal.

7. "I told you so"

Your worry may have come true, but it will not help to keep reminding the sufferer so. Instead of adding to the person's distress, offer to help to clear the mess. You never know who you might need in the future.

You will be doing this person a genuine favour, and in return, he will always be grateful to you.

8. "I did the same thing he did, why am I wrong?"

This is a common mistake people do. The reason why you are hired is because you are different.

If you are doing the same thing someone else does, that person could have easily done what you are doing and you would not hired at all.

9. "Please listen to me!"

If you have to beg others to listen to you, it may seem like you have nothing important to say.

Cut through the noise with a compelling statement, like, "I have a different proposition." or "I know just why this won't work." Within a few moments, your message will sink in - the noise will stop, and people will straighten up and listen to you.

10. "I'm quitting this company right now!"

Whether or not you mean it, giving your manager or others this ultimatum will never lead to any real glory for you. At best, others may perceive that you are very frustrated with your environment, and do not know how else to deal with it than by threatening to quit.

"At worst, you may be taken seriously, and this reckless comment may speed your way out of the organization before you truly want it," says Arora.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Intra day trading by using pivot points

Using pivot points as a trading strategy has been around for a long time and was originally used by floor traders. This was a nice simple way for floor traders to have some idea of where the market was heading during the course of the day with only a few simple calculations.

The pivot point is the level at which the market direction changes for the day. Using some simple arithmetic and the previous days high, low and close, a series of points are derived. These points can be critical support and resistance levels. The pivot level, support and resistance levels calculated from that are collectively known as pivot levels.

Every day the market you are following has an open, high, low and a close for the day. This information basically contains all the data you need to use pivot points.The reason pivot points are so popular is that they are predictive as opposed to lagging.

Because so many traders follow pivot points you will often find that the market reacts at these levels. This give you an opportunity to trade.

If the market opens above the pivot point then the bias for the day is long trades. If the market opens below the pivot point then the bias for the day is for short trades.

The three most important pivot points are R1, S1 and the actual pivot point.

The general idea behind trading pivot points are to look for a reversal or break of R1 or S1. By the time the market reaches R2,R3 or S2,S3 the market will already be overbought or oversold and these levels should be used for exits rather than entries.

A perfect set would be for the market to open above the pivot level and then stall slightly at R1 then go on to R2. You would enter on a break of R1 with a target of R2 and if the market was really strong close half at R2 and target R3 with the remainder of your position.

If, after starting the day above the Pivot, the Price crosses back through the Pivot, the Pivot will act as a Resistance area. Pivot Points and Support and Resistance levels behave exactly like any historical Support and Resistance level.

Unfortunately life is not that simple and we have to deal with each trading day the best way we can.Combine these with simple channeling, retracement levels, past critical supports & resistances, SAR will enhance the success rate.
Pivot Points - Trading Methodology:
To make the discussion a bit less abstract, let's take a most superficial look at some simple trading methodology employing Pivot Points.
Step 1
"In general, if the day's Price Action starts above the Pivot, it will tend to stay above the Pivot.
This simple observation provides the basic rules for two of the simplest Pivot trading systems.
System 1:
Open is above Pivot: Buy
Open is below Pivot: Sell
System 2:
Place Buy and Sell stops bracketing the Pivot. Whichever is not filled acts as safety stop for the other.
These "systems" are very much too raw for my tastes. Too much chance of getting whipsawed. Let's take it one step deeper. Let's refine these simple systems just a bit more:
Step 2
First Fundamental Of Pivot Trading After the opening range (first 15-30 min. to one hour), if price is above/below the Pivot, Price Action will strongly tend to remain above/below the Pivot for the session.
Although this rule bids us to wait out the Opening Range and thus avoid much of the wildness and whipsawing, overlooking the next Fundamental Of Pivot Trading could be disastrous:
Step 3
If the market opens, or later trades at the extremes (R2, R3 or S2, S3), it will exhibit a tendency to trade back toward the Pivot. Thus, the general rule, 'Avoid buying the High or selling the Low', becomes increasingly more stringent as price moves farther from the Pivot.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Google Nexus 7 Vs iPad mini Vs Galaxy Tab 2 3100

FeaturesGoogle Nexus 7Apple iPad miniSamsung Galaxy Tab 2 (P3100) Verdict
Processor1.3 GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core CPU, which includes a 12-core Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
Dual-core A5 processor clocked at 1 GHZ
P3100 utilises OMAP 4430 dual core processor running at 1 GHz, which is aided by a PowerVR SGX540 graphics processor.The Nexus 7 processor looks far ahead of its competitors and may provide an altogether different level of gaming experience.
Screen size & resolution
1280×800 HD display which comes to 216 pixels per inch (ppi)
1024×768 pixels making it around 163 ppi for a 7.9 inch screen.
1,024×600 pixel resolution which gives 170 ppiAt 216 pixels per inch, the Nexus 7 leaves rivals way behind when it comes to screen quality.  
Weight340 grams308 grams345 gramsApple’s iPad mini clearly is the lightest tablet among the three. Besides, the build quality and aesthetics of Apple products command respect and admiration across the world.
MemoryThe Google Nexus 7 has 16 GB internal storage of which only 13-14 GB will be available to users.The iPad mini starts at Rs 21,900 for a 16 GB WiFi only version.The Samsung tablet comes with 16 GB internal storage along with a micro SD card slot for storage expandable up to 32 GB.The Samsung has natural advantage as it offers 16 GB internal storage along with micro SD card slots for expanding memory space. While iPad mini scores over the Nexus for providing cellular connectivity and enhanced internal storage on certain versions, it loses the plot with increasing price vis-a-vis Samsung.
CameraThe Nexus 7 has a 1.2-megapixel front camera. No rear camera.
The iPad mini comes with a 5 megapixel rear camera and a 1.2 megapixel front FaceTime Camera.
The P3100 comes with a 3 megapixel camera in the rear and a VGA (0.3 megapixel) camera in the front.
If a camera is a must have in your 7-inch tablet, then the Nexus 7 turns out to be a big disappointment. On the other hand, iPad mini scores with high-quality camera on both front and rear, which is a big plus in a 7-inch tablet.
Operating SystemThe Google Nexus 7 comes with the latest Android 4.2 Jelly Bean version.The iPad mini ships with Apple’s iOS 6.Samsung has just started pushing Android 4.1 Jelly Bean update
If you are a Google/Android junkie, the Nexus 7 tablet will end up being your choice. Unlike other altered versions of the OS this one is pure Google.
BatteryThe Nexus 7 has a 4325 mAh battery which is expected to offer 8-9 hours of power on active usage.
The iPad mini offers up to 10 hours battery life on just Wi-Fi and up to 9 hours on cellular data.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (P3100)’s 4000 mAh battery can last more than a day with normal usage.No clear winner, but it is yet to be ascertained whether Nexus 7 can live up to its claim during active game usage.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Indian Budget 2013: Highlights

Budget 2013: Highlights

Fiscal deficit:

> Fiscal deficit seen at 5.2 pct of GDP in 2012/13.

> Fiscal deficit seen at 4.8 pct of GDP in 2013/14.

> Faced with huge fiscal deficit, India had no choice but to rationalise expenditure.


> Indian economy faces challenge of getting back to its potential growth rate of 8%. India must unhesitatingly embrace growth as highest goal.


Total budget expenditure seen at 16.65 trillion rupees in 2013/14.

India's 2013/14 plan expenditure seen at 5.55 trillion rupees.

Non-plan expenditure estimated at about 12 trillion rupees in 2013/14.

Revised estimate for total expenditure is 14.3 trillion rupees in 2012/13, which is 96 pct of budget estimate.

Set aside 100 billion rupees towards spending on food subsidies in 2013/14.


> Expect 133 billion rupees through direct tax proposals in 2013/14.

> Expect 47 billion rupees through indirect tax proposals in 2013/14.

Current account deficit

> India's greater worry is the current account deficit - will need more than $75 billion this year and next year to fund deficit.


> Food inflation is worrying, will take all steps to augment supply side.


> Proposes surcharge of 10 pct on rich taxpayers with annual income of more than 10 million rupees a year.

> To increase surcharge to 10 pct on domestic companies with annual income of more than 100 million rupees.

> To continue 15 pct tax concession on dividend received by India companies from foreign units for one more year.

> Propose to impose withholding tax of 20 pct on profit distribution to shareholders.

> Amnesty on service tax non-compliance from 2007 * 10 bln rupees for first installment of balance of GST (Goods and Services Tax) payment.

> Propose to reduce securities transaction tax on equity futures to 0.01 pct from 0.017 pct.

> Time to introduce commodities transaction tax (CTT) * CTT on non-agriculture futures contracts at 0.01 pct.

Corporate sector and markets

> Plans to issue inflation-indexed bonds.

> Proposes capital allowance of 15 pct to companies on investments of more than 1 billion rupees.

> Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) can use investments in corporate, government bonds as collateral to meet margin requirements.

> Insurance, provident funds can trade directly in debt segments of stock exchanges.

> FIIs can hedge forex exposure through exchange-traded derivatives

Monday, February 18, 2013

Top 10 Expensive Stocks in the World

Enjoy the rush of investing in stocks and following the ups and downs of markets? Well, here are some sought-after stocks that would add to the thrill. There's just one catch: These are extremely expensive stocks.
Let's take a look at some of the most expensive stocks in the world.

Berkshire Hathaway
Industry: Conglomerate
Stock price: $145,505 per share
Global rank: 1
Seaboard Corporation
Industry: Agriculture and ocean transport business
Stock price: $2,639.72 per share
Global rank: 2

NVR Incorporated
Industry: Real estate
Stock price: $1,040.86 per share
Global rank: 3
Google, Incorporated
Industry: Internet
Stock price: $753.83 per share
Global rank: 4 Incorporated
Industry: Travel
Stock price: $695.09 per share
Global rank: 5

Intuitive Surgical Incorporated
Industry: Robotic surgical systems
Stock price: $573.00 per share
Global rank: 6
MasterCard Incorporated
Industry: Banking
Stock price: $516.00 per share
Global rank: 7
Markel Corporation
Industry: Insurance
Stock price: $470.46 per share
Global rank: 8
Apple, Incorporated
Industry: Technology
Stock price: $456.83 per share
Global rank: 9
Biglari Holdings, Incorporated
Industry: Restaurants
Stock price: $369.42 per share
Global rank: 10

Friday, February 15, 2013

Benefits of Currency Derivative Trading

  • Low Commissions – Brokerage fees are very low as the market is highly competitive.
  • No Middlemen – Standardized lot size – Futures/Options currency trading does away with the middlemen and allows clients to interact directly on the exchange platform.
  • Standardized Lot Size – Low transaction cost – In the futures markets, lot or contract sizes are determined by the exchanges which are fixed in nature. This allows traders to trade multiple lots.
  • Low Transaction Cost – The retail transaction cost (the bid/ask spread) is typically less than 0.1 percent under normal market conditions. In large deals, the spread could be as low as 0.07 percent.
  • High Liquidity – With an average trading volume of over $4 trillion per day, FOREX is the most liquid market in the world. It means that a trader can enter or exit the market at will in almost any market condition.
  • Almost Instantaneous Transactions – This is a very advantageous by–product of high liquidity.
  • Low Margin (3 – 5 percent), High Leverage – These factors increase the potential for higher profits (and losses).
  • Online Access – The big boom in FOREX came with the advent of online (Internet) trading platforms.
  • Interbank Market – The backbone of the FOREX market consists of a global network of dealers. They are mainly major commercial banks that communicate and trade with one another and with their clients through electronic networks and by telephone. There are no organized exchanges to serve as a central location to facilitate transactions the way the New York Stock Exchange serves the equity markets. The FOREX market operates in a manner similar to that of the NASDAQ market in the United States; thus it is also referred to as an over-the counter (OTC) market.
  • No one can corner the market – The FOREX market is so vast and has so many participants that no single entity, not even a central bank, can control the market price for an extended period of time. Even interventions by mighty central banks are becoming increasingly ineffectual and short-lived. Thus central banks are becoming less and less inclined to intervene to manipulate market prices.
  • No Insider Trading – Because of the FOREX market's size and non-centralized nature, there is virtually no chance for ill effects caused by insider trading. Fraud possibilities, at least against the system as a whole, are significantly less than in any other financial instruments.
  • Limited Regulation – There is but limited governmental influence via regulation in the FOREX markets, primarily because there is no centralized location or exchange. Nevertheless, most countries do have some regulatory say and more seems on the way. Regardless, fraud is always fraud wherever it is found and subject to criminal penalties in all countries.

major Fundamental factors that affect currency movements

  • Trade Balance – This refers to imports and exports, and is probably the most important determinant of a currency's value. When imports are greater than exports, you have a trade deficit. When exports are greater than imports, you have a surplus. A shift in the trade balance between two countries tends to weaken the currency of the country with greater deficit
  • Wealth – Wealth is a country's reserves, in the form of gold, cash, natural resources, and so on. Basically any factor that affects a country's ability to repay loans, finance imports, and affect investments impacts the market's perception of its currency and the currency's value.
  • Internal budget deficit or surplus – A country running a current account deficit has, on balance, a weaker currency than one that runs a budget surplus. This is tricky, however, in that the direction of the surplus or deficit affects perceptions and currency valuations too.
  • Interest Rates – Funds move around the world electronically in response to changes in short-term interest rates. If three-month interest rates in Germany are running 1% less than three-month rates in the United States, then all other things being equal, "hot money" flows out of Euro into the Dollar.
  • Inflation – Inflation in each country, and inflationary expectations, affect currency values. What good is a 10% short-term return in some country if inflation is running 15%?
  • Political factors – Taxes, stability, whatever affects the international trade of a country, or the perception of "soundness" of the currency affect its valuation.

How to Multiply Your Money with Nifty Options Trading Strategy

Nifty options buying has limited risk but unlimited profit potential, I am going to teach you a trading strategy that can easily multiply your trading capital (money). Before starting with this strategy you need to keep at least Rs. 1,00,000 in your trading account, so that you don’t have to risk much of your trading capital. Now here first thing to do is start looking at Nifty futures chart i.e. daily chart, in that chart just see in which direction the market is moving (up or down), If market is trading sideways then there is no trade. Let us see when market is up (forming higher tops and higher bottoms), We will wait for a decent pullback of about 50 to 80 point to participate in that up move. Whenever that pullback happens, you will need to buy Nifty Call Option, now I am tell how to choose correct strike price for nifty options, just look at this example: If nifty spot is 5400 then buy nifty 5500call options i.e. out of money options. Set target as double of your buy price, stop loss half of your buy price. This was all about buying, now let’s see how much quantities to buy; you will use 40% of your trading capital for buying this nifty option. So if you have Rs.1,00,000 in your trading account then you will buy nifty options worth Rs.40,000/- Before trading with options remember trading options always involves high degree of risk, moreover it’s your hard earned money invest it wisely.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

How selling out of the money Call / Put will make you rich by few years? How it is 1000 times better than Gambling by buying Lottery Tickets?

Trading often appeals to impulsive people, to gamblers, and to those who feel that the world owes them a living. If you trade for excitement, you are liable to take trades with bad odds and accept unnecessary risks. The markets are unforgiving, and emotional trading always results in losses -Alexander Elder in Trading for living.
This above quote of Alexander Elder represents typical retail options trader. Most retail option traders are attracted by the huge volatility in options and buy cheap calls/put with hope of getting rich overnight. The most common strategy that retail option traders prefer is buying out-of-the-money straight calls and puts.
Out-of-the-money straight calls and puts are sold at very cheap rate. These calls and puts require huge move by stock/index to get profit. This is equivalent of buying a lottery ticket.
The distinct between lottery and calls/put is that in former case seller of the ticket pays only a small portion of the overall proceeds in the form of winnings, options are a zero-sum game in the truest sense of the description – winner’s profits are loser’s losses. And the majority of loser’s losses typically come in the form of speculative out-of-the-money plays.
The winners know how to bias the results. Moreover, they know the risk-reward and the probability of success before each trade. In the options world the gambler is defined by a trader who buys a call or put with a low delta. (Keep in mind, delta is the probability that an option will expire in the money.)
Like lottery tickets sold in streets, options with deltas this low have a low probability of success. But because of their low-priced sale and high-profit potential, they attract in retail options traders.
For this reason, I prefer to take the other side in this zero-sum game. I do so by basically taking the other side of the trade – by selling options to the speculative crowd. I prefer to sell options with low delta. The probability of making profit is above 80% and it moves further higher as I sell further out-of-the-money options. The lower delta higher is the probability of success in the trade.
Delta is the first “Greek” that most traders learn about when they get started with options. Most people learn that delta tells us how much the price of an option will change if the underlying stock or ETF changes in rupees
For example, if you own a call option with a delta of 0.50, every 1 rupee increase in the stock or ETF equates to a 50 paise increase in the price of the option. Remember, we make money with a credit spread when the options contracts expire worthless.
Next important consideration is position sizing. Using delta to calculate your probability of success will help you make intelligent choices about your position sizes.
Keeping position sizing in mind along with the probability of success will keep you in the game for the long haul. And that’s the only way you’re going to have sustainable success as an options trader.

Lot Size of Stock Futures in MCX -SX

Following is the list of stocks that will be available for trading in F&O segment:

UnderlyingSymbolLot Size
ACC LIMITED                         ACC       250
ADANI PORT & SEZ LTD                ADANIPORTS2000
ADANI POWER LTD                     ADANIPOWER8000
ALLAHABAD BANK                      ALBK      2000
AMBUJA CEMENTS LTD                  AMBUJACEM 2000
ANDHRA BANK                         ANDHRABANK4000
APOLLO TYRES LTD                    APOLLOTYRE4000
ARVIND LIMITED                      ARVIND    4000
ASHOK LEYLAND LTD                   ASHOKLEY  9000
AXIS BANK LIMITED                   AXISBANK  250
BANK OF BARODA                      BANKBARODA500
BANK OF INDIA                       BANKINDIA 1000
BATA INDIA LTD                      BATAINDIA 250
BHARAT FORGE LTD                    BHARATFORG1000
BHEL                                BHEL      1000
BIOCON LIMITED.                     BIOCON    1000
CAIRN INDIA LIMITED                 CAIRN     1000
CANARA BANK                         CANBK     1000
CESC LTD                            CESC      1000
CIPLA LTD                           CIPLA     1000
COAL INDIA LTD                      COALINDIA 1000
DABUR INDIA LTD                     DABUR     2000
DENA BANK                           DENABANK  4000
DISH TV INDIA LTD.                  DISHTV    4000
DLF LIMITED                         DLF       1000
FEDERAL BANK LTD                    FEDERALBNK500
GAIL (INDIA) LTD                    GAIL      1000
GUJARAT STATE PETRO LTD             GSPL      4000
HDFC LTD                            HDFC      500
HDFC BANK LTD                       HDFCBANK  500
HOUSING DEV & INFRA LTD             HDIL      4000
ICICI BANK LTD.                     ICICIBANK 250
IDBI BANK LIMITED                   IDBI      4000
IDEA CELLULAR LIMITED               IDEA      4000
IDFC LIMITED                        IDFC      2000
IFCI LTD                            IFCI      8000
INDRAPRASTHA GAS LTD                IGL       1000
INFOSYS LIMITED                     INFY      125
INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK                IOB       4000
INDIAN OIL CORP LTD                 IOC       1000
IRB INFRA DEV LTD.                  IRB       2000
ITC LTD                             ITC       1000
IVRCL LIMITED                       IVRCLINFRA8000
JSW ENERGY LIMITED                  JSWENERGY 4000
JSW STEEL LIMITED                   JSWSTEEL  500
LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD.                LT        250
LUPIN LIMITED                       LUPIN     500
MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LTD             M&M       500
MRF LTD                             MRF       125
NHPC LTD                            NHPC      12000
NMDC LTD.                           NMDC      2000
NTPC LTD                            NTPC      2000
ORACLE FIN SERV SOFT LTD.           OFSS      125
OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORP.           ONGC      1000
POWER FIN CORP LTD.                 PFC       2000
PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK                PNB       500
POWER GRID CORP. LTD.               POWERGRID 2000
PTC INDIA LIMITED                   PTC       4000
PUNJ LLOYD LIMITED                  PUNJLLOYD 8000
RANBAXY LABS LTD                    RANBAXY   500
RAYMOND LTD                         RAYMOND   1000
RURAL ELEC CORP. LTD.               RECLTD    1000
RELIANCE POWER LTD.                 RPOWER    4000
STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA            SAIL      4000
STATE BANK OF INDIA                 SBIN      125
SESA GOA LTD                        SESAGOA   2000
SIEMENS LTD                         SIEMENS   500
SINTEX INDUSTRIES LTD               SINTEX    4000
STERLITE INDS (IND) LTD             STER      4000
SUN TV NETWORK LIMITED              SUNTV     1000
SYNDICATE BANK                      SYNDIBANK 4000
TATA CHEMICALS LTD                  TATACHEM  1000
TATA POWER CO LTD                   TATAPOWER 4000
TATA STEEL LIMITED                  TATASTEEL 1000
TATA CONSULTANCY SERV LT            TCS       250
TECH MAHINDRA LIMITED               TECHM     250
TITAN INDUSTRIES LTD                TITAN     1000
UCO BANK                            UCOBANK   4000
UNION BANK OF INDIA                 UNIONBANK 2000
UNITECH LTD                         UNITECH   10000
VIJAYA BANK                         VIJAYABANK4000
VOLTAS LTD                          VOLTAS    2000
WELSPUN CORP LIMITED                WELCORP   2000
WIPRO LTD                           WIPRO     1000
YES BANK LIMITED                    YESBANK   1000